Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I dreamt a dream
A dream with you
The sweetest dream I ever knew
For we were young
Oh we were free
Together we lived happily
You were not sick
You were not sad
Always together we were so glad
Life was great just you and me
A gift from heaven
With lucky old me
But then I woke
The lights turned on
Monday morning and my dream was gone
For this I know
Your a gift from up above
Now sent down with Gods great love
And all my love I cannot show
For you are taken by a lucky soul
His been blessed with Gods great gift
And I couldn't find a luckier man
Than the one whose blessed with your fair hand.


  1. At last you write! There is something quite classical in some of your words like "your fair hand". An enigmatic mix of olde worlde auras and modern cliché catch phrases.

    Go visit Teen Waves and check out the sidebar with lots to see re poetry forms and styles! Examples are there too! Experiment!

    And don't forget the prompts in the posts! Try one just to bathe your thoughts in new ideas!

  2. I -assume- you don't know what I'm thinking, yet, having read summa thy blog, I can ex-assume. God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci -ol SNL
